If a family member or friend came to you and told you they had cancer, what would you do? You would be there to help and support them any way you possibly could. Then why is it that less support and compassion is offered to someone when they are struggling from the disease of addiction? Let’s be clear. Addiction does not discriminate. Drug and alcohol addiction is an equal opportunity disease. It is not confined to one kind of neighborhood, one socio-economic group, or one kind of kid. Science has proven that addiction is a disease that is caused by genetics. In other words, you DO NOT choose addiction. No one declares, “Today I want to be addicted to substances”.


Wolcott Crossroads recognizes that an epidemic of drugs exists in our and other communities. Tragically, our town has lost several wonderful young people to addiction and seen countless others struggle to maintain sobriety. Wolcott Crossroads was formed to address the drug and alcohol use among our kids. We are a small community organization of caring and concerned individuals dedicated to providing information, resources, and support to our young people and their families who are in crisis due to addiction. If you would like to know more about what Crossroads is involved with or would enjoy an enriching volunteer opportunity, or most importantly need information and support please call.